Friday, October 29, 2010

Go Ask Alice by an anonymous author

Have you ever felt your life was spilaring out of control? Go Ask Alice is the diary who has some pretty messed up stuff going on in her life. As a yound teenager, she is exsposed to drugs and sex. "Our boss Shelia had us over for dinner and slipped something in our drinks. We woke up and had been raped by her boyfriend!(69)". From then on its all down hill. She runs away from home multiple times and experiences things nobody should experience. The ending is a little creepy but its a good book. When you're reading you wil step into this girl's shoes throught her extraordinary journey. I recommend this book for girls 16+ considering there is sex and drugs.


  1. I liked this book too. The quote you used was kinda creepy but so is alot of the rest of the book. You borrowed this book from me, glad you liked it.

  2. this sounds so intense. i really want to read it!

  3. this book sounds really good book.

  4. i read this book and it was really good but also intense

  5. This seems very intense, but I like those sort of books. I think I might take your 16+ advice though.
