Friday, October 29, 2010

The Help

"All i'm saying is, kindness don't have no boudaries." Taking place in the early 1900's, Kathryn Stocketts novel The Help (2010) focuses on the three different points of views: sweet, old Aibeleen, Minny (every white womans worst nightmare) and Skeeter, the used to be popular white writer. Sneaking around, they write a revolutionary novel that might improve their lives forever-or destroy them. In this eye-opening, heartwarming book you'll be able to look behind the scenes of segregation and make it more than just a phase of history but an interactive view of just how hard it was.


  1. It sounds like a good book. I like the summary a lot. Now I really want to read this book.

  2. this book sounds interesting. I have heard people talk about it and they said it was good.
