Friday, October 29, 2010

Shoeless Joe & Me by Dan Gutman

With a good amount of sports, a bit of history, and a lot of magic, Shoeless Joe and Me will appeal to everyone. Joe Stoshack is a boy given a big task to complete. Joe has a sick baseball card that allows him to travel back in time that he has used in previous books as this is the third book in the series. In this book he travels back in time to the year 1919 to visit a professional baseball player name Joe Jackson. Joe Jackson played for a team named the White Sox. Joe Jackson although a good man played for a team that was known for a scandal in which they bet money in games on the opposing team to win and then purposely lost the games to make money. While he is visiting Joe Jackson he has many adventures, but his biggest adventure was tryng to reverse what happened in the scandal and allow Jackson to get into the Hall of Fame. I thought this book was very good and entertaining. I would reccomend this book to baseball players since this book is about baseball.

1 comment:

  1. I read this book a long time ago and i remember that i liked it and the other books in that series as well.
