Friday, October 29, 2010

A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin

“Last summer, the summer I turned twelve, was the summer Adam came. And forever after that I will think of events as Before Adam or After Adam,” (VII). Twelve year old Hattie, of the novel, A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin, lives the normal life of a twelve year old until she meets Adam. Adam is her special needs uncle whose school has been shut down. Until Hattie’ s grandparents can find a new place for him, he must stay in Millerton with Hattie’s Nana. Over the summer Hattie becomes very close with Adam. They would hang out together, with the supervision of Hattie’s very strict Nana, until one day when Hattie decides to take him to the new carnival in town, alone. Nana was unaware of this trip to the carnival and something terrible happens to Adam. I personally believe A Corner of the Universe was a great book. It was an easy read that, at times, was a page turner. The book can be a little slow at times but was still good.



  1. i love this book! its so great but really sad i cried at some points. but it was beautifully written and just amazing to read

  2. This book seems a little corny, and one of those bittersweet novels that become popular even though the writing isn't as good as fans make it out to be. I haven't read it, however, so I shouldn't be talking.

  3. I have read this book.It's really good and sad at some parts.

  4. It sounds like a really good book to read

  5. Personally, I have read the book and I thought it was deeply touching. It was beautifully written and I definitely enjoyed every minute of it.
