Friday, October 29, 2010

Possessed by Kate Cann

If you like a good mysterious ghost story, then you might like Possessed by Kate Cann. In this story, the main character, Rayne wants to escape her boyfriend, her mother and her little brother, and the noisy streets of London. To escape, she finds a job that is hours away from home at Morton's Keep a secluded old country estate. There, she finds an odd clique of friendly-seeming people who all have an interest in the local history. As she learns about the history of her new home, she is creeped out by how haunted it seems. In addition to a good ghost story, this book also has a bit of romance in it. Rayne falls for one of the guys from the clique who is charming, but also dangerous. Then when there is a break-in at Morton's Keep, the mystery begins to unravel. "Rayne woke late on Sunday morning with every nerve ending in her body sparking." (159). After reading this book, you won't think twice about reading it's sequel, Consumed, when it comes out on February 1st, 2011.



  1. I'm not really in to these kind of books, but this one seems pretty good. This book seems like a good combination of thriller, and mystery.

  2. this book seems very interesting, with lots of mysteries that may or may not be solved. i hope to read this book, as well as the sequel, in the future

  3. This book seems pretty cool. I like to read scary books sometimes and this seems like a good one to read. I also like thriller books so that's a plus as well.

  4. this book sounds really good, like a pageturner! i hope to read it soon!

  5. Sounds like a great and interesting book! vI will definatly make sure to read it when ever i can!

  6. Sounds interesting! I would love to try to read this book! I usually don't care for books like this, but I'm willing to try anything once,

  7. this book sounds like a real page turner, i would love to read this book!

  8. Normally, I'm not interested in ghost stories but this book sounds interesting.
