Friday, October 29, 2010

House Rules by Jodie Picoult

"I was disgnosed with Asperger's syndrome long before it became the mental health disorder du jour, over used by parents to descrive their bratty kids so that people think they're super genuises instead of simply antisocial." Jacob hunt is a normal Adolescent, except for the fact that he has Asperger's syndrome, which is different for everyone with the condition. For example, some may be very antisocial and some may have an obsession on a certain thing. In the book House Rules by Jodie Picoult, Jacob the main character has an obsessive focus on foensic analysis, along with the typical problems of Asperger's like not being ab.e to easily express himself, and having a reserved behavior. Forensic analysis is like the kinds of things the poeple on CSI do, crime scenes, which Jacob is always showing up to, while helping out the police to solve crimes. Most of the time Jacob ends up being correct. One day, Jacob's tutor, Jesse, who helps him with his lack of being able to read social cues and talk to other people, dies. All his inappropriate gestures, and being unable to make eye contact all resembles guilt. Could Jacob have killed her? He finds himself accused of murder.

While reading this book, I have discovered an interest in Asperger's syndrome, along witth forensic analysis. It made me realize many things, such as how diverse a society can be without knowing it. I also think this is a very touching story, that the unconditional love his family has fir him, despite his behaviors. Suspense and curiosity definitely occurred in this reading. This book could appeal to all people because it is a very relateable story and was enjoyable to read. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.



  1. Sounds good, never herd of this book before and would like to try reading this type of genre.

  2. This seems like a really interesting book, and I love Jodie Picoult.
