Friday, October 29, 2010

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

At the end of Twilight Bella Swan is at a birthday day party with her vampire boyfriend Eward Cullen and his vampire clan which has sworn themselves off of human blood. When Bella accidentally cuts her finger and starts to bleed this event forces the Cullens to move away because Eward realizes he is putting Bella in a lot of danger he tells her “ I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me” (71). I really liked New Moon its more action packed then Twilight was. If you like adventure and Romance you will like this book.


  1. oh, really? that's great, team Jacob, no? I'm personally on team "I HATE twilight and everyone should find the nearest copy and burn it!"

  2. i dont think awesomer is a word. i didnt think the movies or the books were that great. but i do agree that jacob is awesomer

  3. haha yeah but taylor lautner is hott

  4. The syntax of this book is so bad it makes a 4th grader look good. The entire "novel" is fluff; characters are described using the same adjectives over and over, the plot is so bland and repetitive, half the readers drop out by the fifth page. The only reason why this book is popular is because Stephanie Meyer has created a lead so generic and bland that any girl can relate to her, leading them to believe Bella is just like her. The only people reading this are tween girls who haven't realized there are so many better books out there.

  5. lol i actually liked this book

  6. Haha i agree with henry. that is a grreat comment

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  9. I think Bella should've chose Jacob would never leave and will do anything to help her.

  10. Everyone has said they just love these books. I think i wil try reading this series sometime, because i know the movies were good so the books must be even better!

  11. There is always at least 1 person
