Friday, October 29, 2010

Rangers Apprentice; John Flanagan

"Will? Will who?...I don't have a-
...Will is a special case..."At the age of only fifteen, Will must diside what he wants to do with his life. Unfortunatly for him, living in an orphanige really limits his options. His dream is to become a warrior for his village, but it was disided by his elders that he couldn't meet the qualifications. He is taken in by a strange group of people known by the viligers for their mysterious ways. In the adventure thriller Rangers Apprentice by John Flanagan, Will must adapt to the shadowy ways of the Rangers as a war is brewing up that could mean life or death for his kingdom. One will enjoy this book if they are interested in adventrue/fantacy books. This book is only the first of its seiries and is filled with suspence.


  1. This book sound like its the book for me because I love a book thats an adventure/fantacy.

  2. This is my favorite series and the author comes out with them really fast. Number 9 just came out.

  3. This is a pretty good book. I think the author could have done a better job but i have read all of them and liked them
    Good review !

  4. Nice quote. I dont know, I'm not really into those kind of fantasy book, hopefully this book (and series) focuses more on the mystery part than the magic, etc. The book has potential, but it could see it easily ruined.

  5. I have read all of this series, and the first one is undoubtable the best. So if you don't enjoy the first one, don't bother reading on.
