Friday, October 29, 2010

Stormbreaker by Anthony Horwitz

"Start at once... he glanced at the slices of cold lamb on his plate. Dead meat. Suddenly, he knew how it felt"(46). In the book, Stormbreaker, by Anthony Horwitz, the main character, Alex Rider, is a normal English schoolboy. He lives a pretty normal schoolboy life. That is, until he finds out that his uncle that he lived with is dead and that he was a spy for MI6. MI6 is the CIA of the English government and they try to recruit Alex to take over in his uncle's shoes. Alex will find out if he is really fit for the spy life, or if he is just a regular kid who wants to live his life. In this book, Anthony Horwitz does a good job of keeping the reader on their toes in this fast passed adventure. I think that this is a good read and if you like adventure books, you will really enjoy this book and all the other great books in this series.


  1. I have read this book before and i liked it alot because it had alot of action.

  2. I read the whole series and it was great.

  3. I really liked reading this book i recomend it

  4. I've never read any of these books but they sound really good. I think I might read them. Is this the first book in the series?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I also read this book and reviewed it. This book is filled with a lot of action, it made me not want to put the book down and to keep on reading. I am looking forward to reading the whole series.
