Friday, October 29, 2010

Summer Boys by Hailey Abbott

The book Summer Boys by Hailey Abbott is definitely a pageturner. The book is about a large family who always takes a trip to Maine for about 7 weeks, "Every time the Tuttles - five adults and seven cousins - invaded this part of Maine... here at the edge of the dirt road that led to the pier, were the three little cottages Jamie's extended family rented every summer for seven weeks." The three main characters, Jamie, Ella, and Beth - who also happen to be close cousins - have a goal to each find a boy in Maine for a summer fling. As things heat up on the beach and throughout the trip, these girls go for a wild ride, from fighting over boys, to keeping secrets, to skinny dipping in the ocean. This author did a great job making this book fun and exciting, always forcing me to turn the page and keep reading. The girls in the book are young and looking to have fun. I think any teenage girl could relate to them, or understand them. I liked how the author did this, making the characters and their situations very believable. I would definitely reommend this book to all of my firnds who are interested in adventure, romance, and humor! Overall, I really liked this book!



  1. Sounds like an interesting book. I cant wait to read it.

  2. This sounds like a book I could get interested in. It sounds like a sophisticated book with lots of twists and turns.

  3. This book sounds really good. I woud definitely read this and it's sequels. I love these kind of books. The post is very detailed and makes me want to find more out about the. Good job!

  4. It sounds like a great book that girls could really relate to. I'd love to read it!

  5. I love Hailey Abbott! Ive read so many of her books including this one:)
